Clean energy from any heat source.

The Marnoch Thermal Energy conversion process is patented, de-risked, and proven technology that converts heat to power.

Clean energy

Cost effective

Low temperature efficiences

Clean energy

Cost effective

Low temperature efficiences

June 30, 2023

Innotech completes an independent third party technical/economic assessment of the company's compression cycle heat to power process.

The study, commissioned by Marnoch Thermal Power, to validate and determine the viability of the process for commercial exploitation, has been successfully completed on behalf of prospective users who have expressed interest in various applications of the technology for converting waste heat to power.

A complete analysis of the process, including thermodynamic and mechanical aspects of the technology was thoroughly assessed for issues that would be detrimental for implementation.

Heat sources ranging from 50°C to 300°C and heat sinks as low as -40°C were used in the modelling.

The study is now under consideration by the prospective end users.

There are vast amounts of low temperature heat available around the globe that are currently not accessible to existing heat to power technologies.

The goal of Marnoch Technologies has been to analyze the shortcomings of those existing technologies and develop a process that overcomes their impediments that prevent them from achieving practical and commercial viability.

The Marnoch Thermal compression cycle heat-to-power process is a custom solution, contact us for more detailed information on how we can address your needs.